Update: 28/12/09
Here's some footage with the Mini DV mounted on the front forks of the XR1200X
It does quite an interesting job. There is some distortion caused by the extreme vibration from being hard mounted on a H-D. This would not be evident on a helmet or on-rider mount, but its a pretty cool effect anyway. The native sound is also quite viable.
Helmet mounted ride next.
----------The size of this new Mini DV Camera is remarkable, but here, let me plonk it on the monitor stand and tell you.
Then I just plugged camera into the computer and directly uploaded the saved file to you tube.
And oops - I said $139 - but it's actually only $129 including GST.
James from activecomponents writes, 'here is the link to our website’s page, where customers can buy online:
We do free shipping for this product anywhere in NZ. '
We do free shipping for this product anywhere in NZ. '
The specifications for the unit are on that page too.
Watch this space for more footage soon. Looks cool as.
Watch this space for more footage soon. Looks cool as.
Interesting array of mounts.